Aetna Better Health will offer all community supports recommended by the California Health Care Services Department, according to State of Reform.
The supports are 14 in lieu of services options — cost-effective alternatives to Medicaid services — that were introduced by the department in April. Managed care plans like Aetna Better Health were "strongly encouraged" to offer some or all of the community supports.
The services provide payers and collaborating providers with more opportunities to better address unique circumstances that play a role in determining member health, Verne Brizendine, CEO of Aetna Better Health of California, told State of Reform.
"I think all the health plans have been wanting to provide the services," Brizendine said. "There was some debate about whether we could do all 14, and some of my staff were like, 'Oh, man, that’s a lot to take on.' I don't anticipate that everything's going to be perfect on day one, but whatever we run into, we'll fix immediately and move forward."