Average per person Medicare spending by age

Medicare spent an average of $14,173 per beneficiary in 2019, according to a June 7 report from the Kaiser Family Foundation

Following is a breakdown of the average Medicare spending per beneficiary by age in 2019. The Kaiser Family Foundation excluded 65-year-olds from the report because they may have been enrolled for less than a year. 

66: $9,082

67: $9,412

68: $9,711

69: $9,955

70: $10,270

71: $10,579

72: $11,153

73: $11,534

74: $12,295

75: $12,629

76: $13,203

77: $13,532

78: $14,113 

79: $14,368

80: $14,813

81: $15,090 

82: $15,439

83: $15,821

84: $16,302

85: $16,612

86: $16,906

87: $17,257

88: $17,750

89: $18,249

90: $17,913

91: $18,139

92: $18,500

93: $18,908

94: $19,253

95: $19,135

96: $19,046

97: $18,462

98: $18,947

99: $18,921

100: $18,458

101: $18,292

102: $18,251

103: $17,563

104: $16,935

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